Fine Antique Clocks

Dr Mike Flannery


I started my working life in Kent as an apprentice blacksmith and agricultural engineer. I was lucky that the firm I work for also repaired the church clocks in the area.

Various working roles and a long time spent teaching was followed in 2000, when I was fortunate enough to spend a year at West Dean College on the Antique Clock Restoration Course. This was a fantastic experience and was supplemented by industrial experience with John Allnutt, master clockmaker of Midhurst Sussex.

I am proud to be a freeman of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers one of the original London Companies who’s charter goes back to the turn of the seventeenth century.

I am a Fellow of the British Horological Institute. The Institute produce the monthly Horological Journal (HJ) which is the oldest trade journal in the word. I have contributed 90 articles under the title of “Bench View”. The HJ will soon be available on the internet.

In 2008 I applied for accreditation from ICON and after extensive interview and application procedure was accepted as a Accredited Conservator Restorer. The Conservation forum ICON is recognised in the UK and Europe. There are only 12 accredited horologist in England.